Who We Are
It all formed from the friendship of two women - one in Kenya, (Auntie) Emma, aka Ma Kayla, and one in the United States, (Auntie) Jayne. My Rafiki has grown into a giving community that supports families, esteems children, and opens up the world to children of Africa & the African diaspora through global friendships.
Hi Friends, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” (Prov. 22:6) I watched my parents give, pay bills for other people, drive people to work and offer their walking co-workers a ride as well. Our home was open to people from church, children of single mothers getting reestablished, family, visiting ministers from other states, and bible studies for teens. At the same time, my mother worked in full-time ministry and wrote support letters that helped put us through school, put food on our table, and clothes on our backs. Later, friends supported me when going across the country to film school and helped pay for meals, train tickets, or rent when I didn’t have it. Friends opened their homes to me when I was between apartments or jobs. Now, I'm in a position where I have an opportunity to give. The Apostle Paul wrote to a church in a different country and said: "I rejoiced greatly in the Lord that, at last, you renewed your concern for me. Indeed, you were concerned, but you had no opportunity to show it. I am not saying this because I am in need, for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances. I know what it is to be in need, and I know what it is to have plenty. I have learned the secret of being content in any and every situation, whether well fed or hungry, whether living in plenty or in want. I can do all this through him who gives me strength. Yet, it was good of you to share in my troubles." I am part of a global family of God that knows no borders. I think of Joseph, who was sold into slavery, and, in the end, used the resources of the country where he had suffered to take care of his family back home in need. I don’t see a separation from who we are as the body of Christ. I want kids to see their parents modeling this kind of community, giving, and love and to practice it now, so it’ll become their lifestyle. Also, one of my best friends is Jamaican -Canadian. When we became friends, she lived in another country! When she moved to the U.S., we lived on different sides of the country. And when I stayed with her briefly, I saw how single parents need community. It really does take a village to raise a child. How much better if that village is made up of Kingdom people. In love, Jayne Marie Smith My Rafiki Around the World Co-founder

Auntie Emma
Auntie Jayne
The Youth
Hello Rafiki-Friend, "The mind of a child is not a vessel to be filled but a fire to be kindled." My name is Emily Wanja, a Kenyan mom to an almost 8years old girl named Kayla. When Covid-19 spread into the vast of the world, most families were affected directly or indirectly. From loss of jobs, closure of business, curfews and lock down, the world was thrown into an unknown territory. As a single mom, I was directly affected by Covid, I lost my job and went into a season of despair and worry. I sought solace in the Word of God and friends who shared such faith and hope in God. Jayne Smith became one of such friends. As we shared the word of God and how hard times had become, I kept telling her how fellow parents especially, but not limited to, single moms were struggling to keep their families afloat. We became prayer partners, but more beautifully, something even greater was being birthed. She wanted to know how this love of God would translate into the Christ-like love of feeding and clothing those in need. We noted we were both passionate about children and education, how one can uplift a child by opening their mind to the greatest possibility beyond their environment. And what better way than having children in a virtual interactive program, where they share about their surroundings, their interests, and learn more about the other children. And with this vision MY RAFIKI ("My Friend") was born. Since my daughter experienced the first exchange: + Her confidence when expressing herself has greatly improved. + Her teacher has commended her for the growth. + An interest in drawing was born, after being taught how to draw a fairy by a girl-Samantha from the USA. She cannot stop drawing. + She has a bigger dream, beyond her immediate environment. + She has become aware of a world 🌎 beyond and the great possibilities ahead of her. My wish and hope is to have many children in my community get the same opportunity as my daughter. As a mother, the program has helped me keep my daughter in school at a season when I could not figure a way out of the despair and desperation brought by Covid-19. I have experienced Christ through the program and I trust the same for the children and parents/ guardians who desperately need to still believe. Umoja Ni Nguvu - Unity Is Strength Kind regards, Emily Wanja My Rafiki Around the World Co-founder & Mom
The Youth of My Rafiki Around the World, come from East and West Africa (Kenya, Nigeria, Uganda) and the African Diaspora, including: Canada, The United States, and soon, Puerto Rico, Jamaica, and Trinidad and Tabago, and The United Kingdom. We welcome all youth of African descent (ages 6 - 18) to participate in our live events, submit their questions about the world, and make a penpal.
Where We Are
What We Do
As the name suggests, it's about global friendship in the true sense of the word. ["Rafiki" means friend in Swahili.] My Rafiki creates fun opportunities for families from Africa and its diaspora to connect and build relationships for the purpose of mutual edification.
We occasionally do fundraisers where every dollar contributed helps parents around the world [Kenya, Nigeria, Tobago and Uganda] provide food for their families and continue their children's education. BUT don't be fooled! This is NOT charity! This is community building!
Black families from around the African diaspora ALL benefit from expanding our knowledge of the world, and we all have something valuable to share with the world right now!
What We Value
In My Rafiki Around The World, we investigate and celebrate the 7 C's: Character, Curiosity, Community, Confidence, Career goals, Compassion, Christian charity.
At the end of 2022, My Rafiki Around The World held it's first Nakuona Honour Awards ceremony. Nakuona means "I See You." We celebrated all the wondrous things we've seen GOD do, and all the wonderful things we see in each of the kids who joined us.